Nainital : Distance Chart

Nearest Railway Station from Nainital : Kathgodam Railway Station is just 34 km from Nainital, and is nearest railway station.
Nearest Bus Station from Nainital : Nainital has its own bus stand. Regular bus services are available from DehraDun, New Delhi etc to Nainital.
Nearest Airport from Nainital : Pant Nagar Airport is just 68km from Nainital, and is nearest airport.

Connected With

  • Kathgodam Railway Station is just 34 km from Nainital, and is nearest railway station.
  • Nainital has its own bus stand. Regular bus services are available from DehraDun, New Delhi etc to Nainital.
  • Pant Nagar Airport is just 68km from Nainital, and is nearest airport.